Enhance the bond between you and your dog through the following services:
In the comfort of your own home
Tailored to your family’s needs
We teach you to work with your dog in 1-hour weekly sessions
You ensure steady progress by practicing daily
Three weekly 1-hour sessions in which we work with your dog
You attend at least 1 session weekly to see your dog’s progress
You practice between sessions
Join our group socialization and training classes in which you and your dog will discover the foundations of obedience, understand dog-dog interaction and respectful human-dog communication.
Not only will your dog have the chance to socialize and make new furry friends, but you'll learn in a supportive and fun group setting.
Note: The investment varies depending on the class and the number of sessions.
Learn from your pets how to maintain a positive attitude even when the going gets rough
Deal with grief or end-of-life issues related to your pet
Practice mindfulness techniques with your pet that will ground you and strengthen your bond with them
Manage your feelings about your dog’s behavioral challenges, including reactivity
Overcome blocks to achieving your goals and build a more joyous life